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Embracing Dry January: A Mindful Approach to Health and Well-being

As we enter a new year, many individuals are considering participating in Dry January, a month-long challenge where people abstain from consuming alcohol. This initiative, which began in 2012 as a public health campaign (1), has gained significant popularity worldwide. At Léoniea Domaines, a wine company committed to social responsibility and promoting mindful indulgence, we fully support and encourage the practice of Dry January. In this article, we will explore what Dry January is, what it is not, and why we believe in its importance.

Mindful Indulgence logo with a gold overlay


Dry January has gained tremendous traction in the past decade, with millions of people worldwide participating in the challenge (3)

What is Dry January?

Dry January is a voluntary challenge where individuals choose to refrain from consuming alcoholic beverages for the entire month of January. It serves as an opportunity to reset one's relationship with alcohol, promote healthier habits, and experience the benefits of a sober lifestyle. By participating in Dry January, individuals can gain insights into their drinking habits, improve their overall well-being, and potentially reduce their alcohol consumption in the long term (2).

What Dry January is Not

Dry January is not about promoting abstinence as a permanent lifestyle choice or condemning alcohol consumption altogether. It is a personal challenge that allows individuals to take a break from alcohol, reflect on their relationship with it, and make more mindful choices moving forward. It is essential to approach Dry January with a positive mindset, focusing on the benefits it can bring rather than viewing it as a punishment or deprivation.

Image of leoniea domaines vineyard with the world "growing beyond the Vines"

Why Léoniea Domaines Supports Dry January

At Léoniea Domaines, we believe in operating in the language of #MindfulIndulgence. Our commitment to social responsibility extends beyond our products to promoting a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Here's why we support Dry January:

  1. Encouraging Self-Reflection: Dry January provides an opportunity for individuals to reflect on their drinking habits and evaluate the role alcohol plays in their lives. By taking a break from alcohol, individuals can gain clarity and make more conscious choices about their consumption.

  2. Promoting Well-being: Participating in Dry January can lead to numerous health benefits, including improved sleep, increased energy levels, weight loss, and reduced risk of certain health conditions. By supporting Dry January, we encourage individuals to prioritize their well-being and experience the positive effects of a sober lifestyle.

  3. Supporting Responsible Consumption: As a wine company, we recognize the importance of responsible alcohol consumption. In promoting Dry January, we advocate for moderation and encourage individuals to develop a healthier relationship with alcohol. This aligns with our commitment to mindful indulgence and enjoying our products in a balanced manner. (Click here to learn more)

Dry January has become a popular challenge for many individuals looking to start the new year on a healthier note. Let's explore the participation statistics for Dry January 2024 and discuss the benefits of practicing conscious consumption and mindful indulgence.

According to Alcohol Change UK 71% had better sleep, and 58% lost weight during Dry January (4)

Benefits of Dry January:

Physical Health Improvements:

  • Skin Benefits: Going alcohol-free can lead to better hydration, fewer breakouts, improved vitamin absorption, reduced puffiness, and better collagen production (5).

  • Weight Loss: A month without alcohol can set the stage for healthier habits and choices, leading to potential weight loss due to reduced empty calories, snacking slip-ups, sluggish metabolism, and water retention (5).

  • Sleep Health: Dry January can enhance sleep quality by restoring REM sleep and providing a conducive environment for rest (5).

Practicing Conscious Consumption and Mindful Indulgence:
  • Conscious Consumption involves making deliberate choices about what we consume, considering the impact on our health, the environment, and society.

  • Mindful Indulgence means enjoying treats or indulgences mindfully and intentionally, savoring the experience, and being present in the moment.

Tips for Achieving Mindful Indulgence and Conscious Consumption in Wine:

  1. Choose Non-Alcoholic Wine: Brands like Leoniea offer excellent non-alcoholic wine options, allowing individuals to enjoy the taste and experience of wine without the alcohol content.

  2. Be Mindful of Portion Sizes: Practice moderation and savor each sip of wine, focusing on the flavors and aromas.

  3. Pair Wine with Healthy Foods: Enjoy wine alongside nutritious meals or snacks to create a balanced and mindful experience.

  4. Take Time to Appreciate: Slow down and fully appreciate the wine-drinking experience, paying attention to the sensory aspects and the pleasure it brings.

Listen, we get it, wine’s great, but there is NOTHING wrong with taking a break if/when you need/want to. In embracing Dry January, we embark on a journey of self-reflection, well-being, and responsible consumption. It is not about deprivation or judgment, but rather a personal challenge that empowers us to make mindful choices and prioritize our health and happiness. At Léoniea Domaines, we wholeheartedly support Dry January and the language of #MindfulIndulgence.

Dry January offers a valuable opportunity for self-reflection, allowing us to pause and evaluate our relationship with alcohol. By taking a break, we gain clarity and make conscious choices about our consumption, leading to a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.

As a wine company committed to mindful indulgence, we promote responsible consumption. Dry January aligns with our values by encouraging moderation and fostering a healthier relationship with alcohol. We believe that enjoyment of our products can coexist with conscious choices and balance.

So, let's embrace the language of #MindfulIndulgence. Whether you choose to participate in Dry January or not, remember we will still be here if you want your traditional wines, and if you decide the dry route is what’s best for you…we are glad to offer you options that align with your choices. Either way, we are here to support you, and glad to have you a part of the Léoniea family.

Cheers to a month of mindful choices, self-discovery, and a healthier, happier you.

Read about Sustainability Ethics: Learn more about Leoniea's sustainability ethics on our website.









Having a challenge with an alcohol disorder? It’s okay, we are here to support you:

Alcoholism Support Groups:

  • Alcoholics Anonymous (AA): AA is a program run by individuals in recovery from alcohol use disorder (AUD). It teaches you how to get and remain sober long-term. AA chapters are located across the United States and internationally .

  • Al-Anon and Alateen: These support groups are designed for family members and friends of alcoholics. They provide resources for coping with someone's drinking behavior. Meetings can be attended in person, online, or via phone .

  • SMART Recovery™: SMART Recovery™ is a support group for people suffering from various types of addiction. It offers face-to-face meetings worldwide and digital resources such as a 24/7 chat room and message board .

  • Secular Organizations for Sobriety (SOS): Similar to AA, SOS offers meetings for alcoholics to get and remain sober. Meetings take place in cities across the United States and online .

  • Centerstone provides educational resources about alcohol prevention, excessive drinking, and treatment options. They offer articles, toolkits, fact sheets, and videos .

  • Women For Sobriety: This organization helps women who suffer from alcoholism or substance abuse. They offer meetings and support groups following the Thirteen Statement Program. They also provide self-help tools such as an online forum, conferences, booklets, and DVDs .

  • Your Primary Care Physician: Your primary care physician can help you find a treatment center for alcohol use disorder. They can diagnose alcoholism and refer you to top-rated rehab facilities .

Alcoholism Research Organizations:

  • American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP): This organization produces The American Journal on Addictions, which contains detailed research and articles about substance abuse, including alcoholism. They also provide a patient resources portal to locate specialists .

  • Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA): ADAA provides resources about the effects of anxiety and depression, which often coexist with alcoholism. They have a directory of therapists across the United States .

  • The American Psychological Association (APA): APA promotes research related to alcoholism and mental health. They have a list of psychologists across the nation and resources on various psychological subjects .

  • American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM): ASAM focuses on improving the quality of care for individuals seeking treatment for substance abuse, including alcoholism. They provide information about local treatment services and health professionals specializing in alcohol recovery .

  • National Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC): NAADAC is useful for those interested in helping others overcome addiction. They have a membership base of health professionals specializing in prevention, treatment, and recovery .

  • National Association of Social Workers (NASW): NASW focuses on the quality of care provided by social workers. They have an online directory of clinical social workers, psychologists, and psychiatrists with different specialties, including alcohol use disorders .

  • National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA): NIAAA provides information on alcohol-related issues and treatment resources. They publish articles and white papers related to the effects of alcoholism and offer opportunities for various treatment services .

  • National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA): NIDA provides scientific data about the causes and effects of alcoholism. They have studies containing information about how excessive alcohol consumption affects the brain .

  • National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH): NIMH focuses on individuals with a mental health disorder and alcoholism dual diagnosis. They provide information about prevention and recovery through clinical studies and research findings .

  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): SAMHSA offers a treatment facility locator for alcoholism and mental health disorders. They provide helpful information about dual diagnosis conditions and state-funded treatment programs .


ABOUT Léoniea™ Domaines

Leoniea Domaines logo

Goddesses have been a symbol of strength and power throughout history, embodying feminine grace and wisdom. Léoniea™, the emblem of our wines, stands as a symbol of timeless elegance and refinement. Her grace is a reflection of the meticulous craftsmanship and artistry that shape every vintage. Our wines, akin to Léoniea™ herself, offer a celebration of complexity, balance, and unparalleled quality. They are more than mere beverages; they are an experience, a connection to the essence of sophistication, and a tribute to life's most exquisite pleasures.

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